Is Fear Stopping You?

Have you ever thought about what you might do if you did not let fear get in the way? As so well stated in an article I read recently, fear can rob us of the ability to move forward. So often what we fear is not an actual threat, but the idea of what might happen or future failure. If that’s true for you, then that fear can stop you from dreaming what positive things could happen if you conquered your fear.

Our fears may be based on our own past experiences or those of people close to us. Or those fears may represent the worst possible scenario as we imagine it. Whatever the reason, renowned sports psychologist, Dr. Craig Manning, in his book, The Fearless Mind: 5 Essential Steps to Higher Performance, teaches us to shift our behavior from fear-based reactions to a more proactive approach, allowing us to move closer to our goals. He realized many athletes and others work very hard but don’t really go anywhere. It becomes a cycle of mediocrity, which leads to frustration and disappointment. He discovered that just doing the activity, though critical, was not enough. As he states, “they only get you into the game.” But “Playing the game at the highest levels of our ability comes down to how well we have learned to control our minds, …” If we allow fear or other negative interference into our thoughts, no matter our potential, we will not realize our dreams.

So face your fears and become proactive. Rather than dwelling on what could go wrong, ask yourself what you can do more of or what is going right. When you find yourself “going negative”, make a quick list of 3 of your achievements that day.
Spend time where it matters. Are you letting OPP (Other People’s Priorities) rule your life and allowing them to interfere with the commitment to yourself and the success of your business?

What are you doing to fire up your success? As a CEO of your company, be sure you have the energy and stamina to increase your focus and have better decision-making skills by taking care of your physical health. And it is just as important to fuel your brain as well as your body. Focus on reading, watching and listening to positive leaders. Become a lifelong learner – someone who continually improves their skills and knowledge.

Expand your expectations for yourself and think bigger. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and set goals in all areas of your life that make you a little nervous.

Break your goals into daily habits and actions and focus on the process rather than the result, and celebrate each time you face that fear and realize that most of it was just in your mind.

“Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear.” Mark Twain

What would you do if you had the courage to step out of your comfort zone?  Please share your comments below this post.

“Change yourself, and your world changes” John C. Maxwell

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Drue Lawlor

Pearl Collective Coach Drue Lawlor is a long time Pearl Collective coach. As a NCIDQ certified designer she and Gail co-developed the Strategic Business Transformation Coaching program. The program led the way in teaching designers how to build or redesign their businesses for profit and success. Drue is also a regular contributor to the Pearl Collective Resources library of interior designer business articles. Outside of Pearl Collective she is the co-founder of Boomers with a Plan B. She is driven to help clients create a safer and healthier homes. You’ll find her in Senior Magazine and a contributor to the following books: Design for Aging: Post Occupancy Evaluations and Interior Graphic Standards, second edition.


  1. Reyes on May 24, 2017 at 8:32 am

    Start my own design firm

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